Saturday, March 1, 2008

Politics, dirty, dirty, politics.


As human beings existing during 2008, it would be nearly impossible to not notice the immense size and impact of the current presidential race. It is EVERYWHERE: the news, the commercials, the papers, the streetcorners, the front lawns, the bumper stickers, the radio, and the magazines. I know, I know.. this happens every four years, but at this size? And for this long? I have lived through four presidential races, one in which I can not even remember, and the current one just seems to be so... apparent? No one can deny that the 2008 election will make history. President Bush's latest rating puts him at a mere 19 percent. The country is UNHAPPY, the economy is UNHAPPY, the world is UNHAPPY, the "conservatives" (oh those extremists) are UNHAPPY, the "liberals" (oh those commies) are UNHAPPY, everyone and everything is UNHAPPY. Quoting the always left-leaning Pat Buchanan (sarcasm) on MSNBC, the future looks great for the democratic party. Two to three times as many democratic voters are coming out to every primary and caucus in every state than republicans. This, according to Mr. Pat, is a bad sign for John McCain (i do not think i am jumping the gun here) come November. This means one thing.... Americans for the first time in history will be electing either the first women or first african american to the oval office.. (perhaps both---democratic dream ticket). Unfortunatly, it took this country over two hundred and thirty years to complete this feat. As a first time voter (besides the primaries), it is a serious and utter honor to have the chance to elect either one of them. Finally, the time has come.....
The election is fascinating, and the prospects facing the next American president makes this race so so so so important.

More on this subject to come...

"to be continued...."


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